Good vs. bad. Lets face it...if you're a mom and you say you don't question your mothering skills from time to time, I'm calling your bluff! My aunt Marcie (who I DO miss...maybe she reads the blog??) once told me 'Very rarely, do I go to bed without feeling guilt as a parent' (not verbatim but close :) ) I never really understood that until becoming a mother myself! Hello, my name is Hayley and I suffer from, what I like to call, 'working mom guilt'. But it doesn't stop there...I also suffer from 'when I'm not working and not doing something totally rad with my girls, I feel like I a SHOULD be doing something totally rad with girls guilt'. There's no turning it off! There will always be SOMETHING that I could have "done" to make me a better mom. I should have had more patience when Elly was screaming "I WANT MICKEY MOUSE!!!"...I shouldn't have raised my voice when I replied with "HOW DO YOU ASK NICELY??!!"...I should have taken the time to load up and go the park...I could go on and on. Last night I decided to put a penny in the 'good mom' bank and have some craft time with my big E! Thanks to Caroline for the craft idea :)
For those who truly know me, I didn't even get crazy neurotic with the mess! No wet wipes in sight :)
A little appetizer...nice
Tape on paper, finger paint, remove tape and voila! This is as far as we got. Elly FREAKED out when I started to take the tape off. Insert neurotic mommy...I couldn't stand the unfinished product and took the tape off after Elly went to bed :) Which I did NOT feel guilty about when my head hit my pillow last night :)
*On a sweet little side note*
My sweet little 6 month old! LOVES sitting up and is quite a champ at it! Weighing in at juuuust under 18 lbs. Shes healthy to say the least :)