Friday, July 17, 2009

Four months...four shots :(

Elly turned the big 04...months! She had her 4 month check-up yesterday, which went as well as expected. She was happy and all smiles...until she flipped her switch! It was almost as though she knew what was coming :( She did great for the first two shots, but by the fourth she was a mess! Big daddy was there with us, and he was almost as upset as poor Elly. All her stats were right there in the normal range. She weighed in at 13lbs. 15 oz. (if only she'd had some bacon with her breakfast...she could have made 14lbs!) and 25 1/4 in. long. I cannot believe how much she is growing! Dr. Shaw told us that we could start her on some rice cereal, but that there is no hurry. It would be more about the sensory than it would be about nutritional value. She said that when we notice her eyeing us, and our food, down at the dinner table to give it a try (I thought that was kinda funny :) ).

Look at me! I'm four months old!

Before... (not quite 2 months)

AFTER!! Can you believe the difference?!


caroline said...

She has a look of desire to see Auntie Caroline....I must fulfill her wish....

Hayley said...

Could you see the longing look in her eye??? She's longing for YOU!

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE that afghan in the background of her 4-moth pic... ;) Plus, she looks adorable!

Hayley said...

I have done all her monthly pics in the corner of that chair! I look at the letters to see how tall she gets!