Well, Kris and I just couldn't wait...we wanted to see how little Elly would do with her first taste of big girl food! I thought for sure she would gobble it right up. I couldn't have been more wrong. She hated it! As soon as Kris would get the spoon to her mouth, she would give it a little taste, spit it right back out and give the funniest, most disgusted face! She actually gagged a couple times! I decided to go round two tonight with the oatmeal instead of the rice. Different cereal...same story. The pictures just didn't do justice to how funny she was. I tried my hardest to get it on video so you all could get the full effect. Trying to feed a wobbly baby while videoing, proved to be a little difficult (and messy), but you get the idea :)
What...is something about to happen?

I'm not too sure about this guys...

Maybe if I pretend to be asleep they will stop!

Try number 2...
Love her cute little bib! Maybe a little mashed potatoes and gravy???
Michael didn't like the rice at first either- now, obviously, he does not have a problem with eating:)
I think secretly, she love it...just wants you to think that she is not interested. :) My nephews did the same thing, in the end they couldn't get enough. :)
Don't you know that babies absorb food through the skin around their mouths?? This important information is a little late, but I'll be checking your blog more frequently for your benefit:)
yaya Linda P.
I did not know babies absorb food through skin I must absorb food through my eyes and thoughts!!!!
Not to mention mouth!!!
Kentucky Fried Chicken's mashed potatoes and gravy was Christen' favorite!
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