Yesterday we did Elly's little 8 month photo shoot. I can't believe how big she is getting. She has officially started to do the "army crawl" (which I love to watch!). She is intrigued with the sound of smacking her hands on the hardwoods, so she will scoot, scoot, scoot to get off the rug to the floors. Once she makes it there, she looks to me to join in on the fun and smack my hands too! We have also started the bedtime story routine. When we would read books before, all she wanted to do was put it in her mouth. She now will look at and touch the pictures and "help" me turn the pages. Don't get me wrong, she still tries to eat it, but seems to enjoy the looking and listening part just as much! I can't wait for next month and Ellyson's 9 month checkup! I'm dying to know how long she is and how much our little connoisseur of food weighs ;)
Cheeeeese! Pretty girl!
Of course we had to get a couple "yelling" pictures!
Dropped her!! I'll be right over to get her!
She's getting so big! Geez, girl, slow down!!
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