According to the woman at the GAP the other day, my child is abnormally HUGE. She went on for a good 5 minutes about how chunky Elly's legs were, how LOOOONG she was, and just HAD to know what I fed her. This was not said in a cute "Oh my gosh she's so big!" kind of way. This woman was truly in shock that sweet Elly was only 9 1/2 months old. As insulted as I was, it got me to noticing how big she looked in her car seat. I was checking it out today and noticed a warning on the side..."NEVER use this seat for a child over 22 lbs." WHAT?! For some reason I thought we had the car seat that went up to 30 lbs! I'm almost positive that my sweet girl is over, or hovering right at, 22 lbs. To be on the safe side, I loaded up one sweet girl, one grumpy husband and made my way to Babies R Us. Drum roll please.......
Big girl in a big girl seat!!!!!
I think I like it Mommy! It's so roomy in here!
*Not only have we officially outgrown our house...we have outgrown the Jeep! Elly's seat may be nice and roomy, but the passenger will be hugging their knees!
That big girl is loving her new ride!! Love you all - Nana
Oh my gosh, she looks SO big in that seat! (and I mean that in a very loving, non-fat kind of way) :)
You should've told that crazy lady that she's a lucky breastfed baby and her rolls are a sign of health! :)
She looks so cute! Allie has the same outfit, but it's too big on her right now.
We have the opposite problem. I had a woman at Target ask me if I feed my child because she is so small. Really? People are stupid.
We have an infant carseat that goes to 30lbs but at the rate we're going, Allie will be at least 2 by then. We went ahead and switched to the convertible seat a few months ago too.
Miss Elly is adorable and you're a GREAT Mommy!
That WOMAN is an idiot!!!
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