Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Elly's new rug!!

I must say that the hardest part about fixing up the nursery has been finding the PERFECT rug!! Finding something in our price range that I liked, with colors that went, that wasn't too "butterflies and flowers" was quite the challenge. After finding "the one" and bringing it home to discover it just didn't work, I was quite defeated. My dear, sweet friend Ali and her mom came to my rescue! As if hosting my baby shower wasn't enough, she said that they wanted to buy me a Pottery Barn rug as a baby gift! I was so excited when she called me to tell me it was in! Check out the pictures below...it sure does make the room if you ask me :)

Thanks Ali and Sandy...you're the GREATEST!!

Sampson approves!

1 comment:

caroline said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! We've missed you!! :)

Her room is absolutely gorgeous...and yes, the rug is PERFECT. Now all you need it Elly!

Oh yea, Hi Sampson!!