Or otherwise known as, day after Elly's birthday :) Poor baby girl has had a rough couple of days. As I mentioned in my previous post, she has had a fever that just keeps popping back up! Thankfully she is quite pleasant when her fever is down, and when it is up Motrin or Tylenol does the trick. We have been to the Dr. 4 times in the last week and STILL don't know what the deal is! I know it is quite common for babies to have fevers but...104.1 is a little scary for this
mama! Hopefully in the next couple days we will get it figured out.
waking from her 2-1/2 hour MUCH NEEDED nap, Elly and I made our way outside to enjoy the gorgeous day...and snap a few pics of course! In case you haven't figured it out, Kris and I took the plunge and invested in a "real"
camera! I have been having tons of fun and am starting to feel like a real photographer...it doesn't hurt having such a cute subject ;)
Eating a leaf I'm sure...

I L*O*V*E seeing those little teeth peeking through. It warms my heart!
What kind of camera did you get...I'm looking at getting a GOOD one!
Love, love, love the pictures! Elly is absolutely ADORABLE!
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