Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mommy's Silly Monkey

After her big birthday party, Elly has been quite intrigued with all her new toys. She will discover a toy that she isn't familiar with, and for the next couple days it is her new favorite! Her flavor of the weekend...her new book, Eight Silly Monkeys, an obvious play on the classic bed jumping monkeys. This one ends with a twist...that crazy Doc never mentioned anything about the COUCH!! My silly monkey and I have gone over the book about a million times! Elly was sporting her new monkey jammies the other morning...perfect photo op :)

Hmmm...how many monkeys are spinning on the bed? One, two, three...
Thank goodness for Elly's Baby Signs movie. It gives me a good 30 minutes to clean up after breakfast and maybe even do my hair! She LOVES this movie and has actually started doing some of the signs! When she's in the right mood, I can get a "more" when she wants more cookies :) And the other day she did the sign for "milk"! I am loving this age! She is like a little sponge...soaking it all up. She is able to give a high five, point to my nose when I ask where it is, and twice now she has blown a kiss!

Not sure what this sign is...but it sure is a cute picture :)

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Anonymous said...

Smart little girl! But did you REALLY need to outfit her in MONKEY CLOTHING?!?! :)

www.justinandcortney.blogspot.com said...

She is soooo cute!!! I hope she had a great first birthday! Time flies huh?

Hayley said...

Ha! You're funny Leanna! The jammies and book were a birthday gift!!!! I would never buy her anything "monkey"...out of respect for YOU ;)