Emma Lee Roebuck! Our sweet baby girl came into this world 4/6/11 at 1:39 pm. Weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz and measuring 19 1/2 inches. It is hard to believe I ever doubted that I could love this little one as much as I love her sister. We bonded from the moment I laid eyes on her :)

With this being my second pregnancy, my doctor had given us the option to be induced this time around. I went back and forth with the decision and decided to go ahead with the induction. The last couple weeks were very emotional for me thinking about Elly. My mind never stopped! Worried about how she was going to react to all the changes that were about to happen. Would she be jealous? Would she feel pushed aside? Was I going to have to rip her out of bed in the middle of the night when the time came? With very little control over what was about to happen, I felt an induction could ease my mind about the final of those three! I must say...it was GREAT! We got to the hospital at about 7:30 am. We got the ball rolling around 8:30 when my doctor broke my water and started the pitocin. By about 10:30 I was dilated to a 5 and decided to go ahead with the epidural. Fast forward 2 1/2 hours and it was time to push! I pushed through two contractions when the nurse quickly told me to stop and got on the phone with my doctor. Emma decided she was ready to meet the world, and the nurse! Dr. Z made it to the room moments after the nurse had to deliver Emma! After having to push for 2 hours with Elly, this time around was a breeze! We made our way home on Friday and things have gone as smoothly as can be expected. All my worries about the big sister were thrown out the window when she was introduced to HER baby Emma. She loves to hold, cuddle and kiss her little sister. Her first moments with Emma were filled with smiles, gentle touches and LOTS of "I like it!" Perfection at it's finest :) One last picture (actually my first belly picture this pregnancy...oops!) before we headed to the hospital to get the show on the road!

Waiting patiently to meet the little one...
She's here! 7 lbs 12 oz
Daddy's first moments with the littlest lady in his life :)
Signing the paperwork before we headed out on our own. Daddy couldn't resist a picture of those sweet little hands!
All dressed up! This was the dress that my mom and dad took ME home from the hospital in!
BIG sister meeting little sister for the first time. She didn't stop smiling and giggling the entire time. L.O.V.E.
I'm so excited to see what the future holds for our little family of FOUR!
Oh, Hayley! She is beautiful. Congratulations!!!
Awwww, beautiful pictures, as usual! She is precious, Hayley! Almost makes me want another..haha! TOTALLY kidding (although I wouldn't mind snuggling with her!) :)
love this post Hayley. Good Job! the family of four is perfect in every way! congrats and lots of love from the Gallemores.
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