at the Roebuck house! Kris promised that today would be "Christmas tree day". He even said he would go with me to Garden Ridge! He moaned and cried the entire time, but did live up to his promise. It was even his idea for each of us to go and pick out one "special" ornament (by that he meant the "expensive" $3.99 a piece ornaments)! I always have such a great time decorating the tree. I refuse to have one of those fancy schmancy, matchy matchy, ornament trees (My dad will be so proud!). I have such fond memories as a kid decorating the tree. Finding those special ornaments, that for some reason I just loved, and putting them on the tree. I can't wait for little Elly to have those same memories. Last year my mom and dad had me go through all the ornaments and pick out the ones I wanted for my own tree. I took pictures of just a few of my favorites...
Me putting on my 2008 special ornament. Pink booties...getting ready for our arrival :)

Kris and his 2008 special ornament. A funny little snowball man :)

The tree in all it's glory!

From my first Christmas. I always loved the little baby in the basket!

For some odd reason...this was always a favorite! Who knows...

Every year my Grandma Berry would make ceramic ornaments and put our picture in it. Who is that precious little thing ;)

This one is just for you Caroline! She has been bugging me for the last 2 months to post a picture of my preggo belly. So here it is...FINALLY!
6 Months