Saturday, November 8, 2008


I had an odd moment with a neighbor last night that really threw me for a loop. Let me start my story a week prior...Our neighbor, two houses down, stopped by on Halloween to invite us over to sit on the porch for a few drinks. She and the other neighbor (both in the 40's or 50's) do this quite often and it drives Kris crazy. They sit out there ALL NIGHT...drunk, loud and smoking like chimney's. They smoke so much that if you open our front door you can smell the cigarettes! Anyways...we told her thanks for the invite but that I was pregnant and Elly probably wouldn't appreciate that much. She said congrats and went on her way.

So back to last night...I had a knock on the door from the same neighbor looking to borrow a cup of flour. No problem! What are neighbors for right? As she was leaving, she thanked me and as though she were asking me over for dinner says, "If you would like to come over, we are about to burn some grass." I was speechless! Maybe she forgot that I was pregnant? No, because after the first offer, she invited me downtown for the following night but followed that with, "it may not be much fun since you can't drink!" Even if I wasn't pregnant, she doesn't even know me! Oh least I got a blog out of it :)


caroline said...

omg, you have druggies next door? What kind of neighborhood is Elly coming home to??

J/K, of course! That's hilarious!

Sara said...

WOW...what a friendly neighbor!! :) hee hee