All I have to say is Thank God for insurance! We got the statement from our emergency room rendezvous a few weeks ago. The total bill was just under $2000! Let me remind you of what went on. I was stuck in a "room", given 3 bags of fluid, a shot of Demerol for pain and a shot of Phenergan for puking. They were nice enough to let me sleep it off and boot us out around 2:30am.
I must was worth every penny!!!!
omg, that's nuts!! yes, insurance is nice!
Now, will your insurance that you pay out the a** for, pay your mileage to and from the hospital?
Ha ha! Maybe, just maybe, if Kris and I quit our jobs, sit at home and plan for about 6 more kids, Mr. and Mrs. taxpayer Moore can pay for it!
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