How's that for a headband! Eat your heart out Grandpa ;)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
My bad...
I was called to the carpet about not posting a picture of my sweet princess on the last post. I'd like to apologize for the won't happen again!
Friday, August 28, 2009!
Elly has been getting a little worn out with the same old bows and flowers on the same old waffle headbands. She says she is ready for a headband fashion overhaul (her words, not mine)! I was checking out Parents magazine the other day and came across some cute little headbands. I wrote down the website and just plugged it in to see if there was anything to write home about. It was better than just writing home about...I had to give them a shout out on my blog! These headbands and flower clips are so freakin' cute I had to step away from the computer before I whipped out the debit card and started down the path of divorce!
Check them out...
Check them out...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Puppets, starfish and rattles...OH MY!!
The other day Elly and I were quite surprised when we received a knock on the door (my DO NOT RING DOORBELL sign must be working!). I could barely contain my excitement when I opened the door to the UPS man holding a Baby Einstein Activity Saucer! Elly's Nana ordered it and had it sent to the house. It couldn't have come at a better time, on a better day. Elly is getting quite bored of the same old, same old, and lets us know it!
I love my new toy Nana! Where, oh where do I begin?

What you lookin at?!
I love my new toy Nana! Where, oh where do I begin?
What you lookin at?!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
5 months!
5 months (and a couple days) old! I can hardly believe it! The time seems to be flying by :) We did a little makeshift weigh-in the morning of the 16th. As mentioned before, my scale is completely unreliable, but it is still fun to see what it says. We had an official weigh-in of 16 lbs. 8oz. I'm thinking it's a little high, but you never know...she is getting quite chunky and is enjoying her cereal more and more everyday. I know this will be hard to believe, but...Elly has been quite the little stinker the past few days! Kris and I both agreed that, since we are the perfect parents, with a perfect child, it must be a tooth trying to make it's way in. We'll see in the upcoming days/ long does that process take? With my luck...she won't get her first tooth until 12 months and I will look like an obsessive mother who blames every whimper on teething :)

Who's 5 months? Me?

Hallelujah...thank you Jesus! I've made it 5 months and my parents haven't dropped me yet! (doesn't it look like she is praying :) )
Who's 5 months? Me?
Hallelujah...thank you Jesus! I've made it 5 months and my parents haven't dropped me yet! (doesn't it look like she is praying :) )
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I think she misunderstood... READ the books Elly, you don't eat them! The last few days have been a little rough in the Roebuck household. Tooth, growth spurt...who knows! During a bout of screaming, I decided to try a little reading to occupy our time. Turns out she loves books! I would read them and show her the pages. She would squeal, grab for the pages and couldn't keep her eyes off of the pictures! Eventually, she won the battle and I handed it over. One guess as to where it went... guessed it, her mouth! guessed it, her mouth!
Friday, August 14, 2009
I think she likes it!
For the last couple months, my mom has been bugging me about getting Elly a mobile for her crib. She loves laying on her play-mat and looking up at the little critters. After searching and searching (it's hard to find a cute, fashionable mobile!), I found the perfect one! Too bad it was Pottery Barn other words, it was way too expensive. I decided last week to check it out one more time. To my surprise it was on sale, so I made the big purchase. It looks SO cute in her nursery and it works like a puts her right to sleep!

I think she likes it! What do you think?
I think she likes it! What do you think?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
We love Auntie Caroline!
I would like to take a minute to apologize to all my faithful followers. I have been somewhat of a blog slacker lately. Even worse than being lazy with my posting, I forgot my camera at home (we stayed in Granbury) during our visit from Elly's Auntie Caroline! And I call myself a blogger!!! Luckily, Caroline did not, and managed to capture some great shots. Unfortunately, this is the only one I have as of now...and I stole it from her blog :) Anyways...we are grateful she could brave the Texas heat, for a long weekend. For those of you who don't know our "story", Caroline and I met when our family moved to Utah (our houses backed up to each other's). I was two and she was three. So, if you do the math, we have been besties for about 26 years!!! Oh my...did I just say 26? I feel old :) Elly loved meeting her Auntie Caroline, and can't wait for our trip to Ohio to meet all of the Moore clan (including future boyfriend, Nathan!).
We miss you already Caroline!

We miss you already Caroline!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Big girl toys...
...sure do take it out of you! Elly and I spent Sunday with Nana out in Granbury. We decided to take on the daring task of bringing down the exer-saucer from storage in the hanger. It was covered in dust and needed a good scrubbing, but was a hit with little Elly! She was quite intrigued with the toys and figured out how to spin around to check it all out! By the time I made it to the car, and got back with the camera, she had already pooped herself out...
Play hard or go home!
I think I will take my nap riiiiight here :)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Don't worry...
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