Tuesday, December 29, 2009

29 going on...9

Well...little Elly wasn't the only one who enjoyed Christmas this year! Her daddy, aka Elmer Fudd, has been having quite a bit of post Christmas fun as well. He has been hinting around about wanting a BB/Pellet gun for quite some time now.I've always given him the famous line, "You'll shoot your eye out!" Now that we are a handgun owning, shotgun shooting household...I figure a BB gun is the least of my worries. So needless to say, Santa brought one to Kris this year. I was able to snap a few pictures of him in the backyard the other day. He came running in the house, "Where's my gun, where's my gun??!! We've got a squirrel!" Not to worry all you animal lovers out there, the BB bounced right off of it's furry little body :) I guess that's what you get when you buy the cheapest one out there!

Also on Kris's wish list was a remote control helicopter he just HAD to have. He missed out on it at the family gift exchange (thanks to his own mother-in-law who stole it!), so Mrs. Clause stuck that under the tree as well. At about 10pm the other night, I'm lying in bed and all of a sudden I hear a strange sound coming from the living room...Bzzzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzz. What to my wondering ears would appear? A remote control helicopter of course! Buzzing all through the house. Seems as though I have brought out Kris's inner child :)

Please excuse the mess that we call a garage. Kris is the process of cleaning it out!

Elmer Fudd trying to shoot dinner.

Maybe Kris should put some of this focus towards the garage project...

Watch out! He's coming for you!

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

What a crazy, fun filled, exhausting 24 hours! We woke up Christmas Eve morning to snow falling from the sky! Seeing that it was in the 70's the day before, this was quite exciting and unexpected. Never in my wildest dreams did I think it would actually stick to the ground, and never EVER did I think it would cause quite the havoc that it did! We made out way out to Granbury, only to find that our usual 45 minute drive would take us 3 hours! It was madness out there on those icy Texas roads. Once we were safe and sound at the Berry household, we were able to take in the winter wonderland...and a much needed stiff drink! This was the first white Christmas Texas had seen since 1975. It was gorgeous!

We woke up Christmas morning to find that we all had been good boys and girls...Santa made a stop and left some goodies :) After our annual Christmas breakfast, we loaded up, said our goodbyes, and made our way south to good old Waco. Memmie was quite thrilled to see little Elly and loaded her up with MORE goodies! Can I re-do my Christmas letter?

Dear Santa,
We would REALLY like for you to bring us an extra 1,000 sq. ft for our house. We have been
a good mommy, daddy and baby girl.
The Roebucks

Christmas Eve with Nana

"Mommy! Look what Santa left me...my very own chair!"

Elly was more interested in the ribbon than she was with the gifts!

Sweet family :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

9 months!

Our sweet girl is 9 months old! Where, oh where, has the time gone? She is becoming more independent with each day and is starting to really show that personality of hers (which I do believe she gets from her Daddy)! I was always a very reserved kiddo who didn't want to stray too far from Mom. Well...not this kid! Like her father, she has never met a stranger and hams it up when someone glances in her direction. She is crawling all over the place and loves to "walk" when someone holds her hands. She loves the new view and will giggle and laugh while you help her on the move. We have also graduated to some finger foods. She loves to feed herself bananas, pears, cheerios and the newest of the foods, cheese! 3 short months and we will have one year under our belts...I have already started the party planning ;) I'm thinking invitations made by our favorite Heather Essian with a big ole' picture of the birthday girl! Daddy's on a need to know basis of course :)

Mommy's little lady

9 month stats: 20 lbs. 1 oz. (55th percentile) 29 1/4 in long (95th percentile!)
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Monday, December 14, 2009

Bad mommy award goes to...

Hayley Roebuck! I just noticed that my profile says that Elly was born March 19, 2009. Ummm...she was born the 16th! Ooops :) She was due the 19th...does that make it any better?
Elly is SOOOOO over her mommy right about now!

Dunzo with the Bumbo

I know that doesn't rhyme, but I'm too brain fried to think of something creative!

We sure have gotten every drop of money out of Elly's Bumbo chair. We would stick the tray on it and set her in the middle of the dining room table, which worked as the perfect makeshift highchair! In our tiny house, space is cherished and we definitely don't have room for one of those big ole' things! As I watched Elly perform her new talent, flinging her torso forward and backward to scoot the Bumbo across the table, I knew it was time to graduate to a "big girl" chair. She was quite intrigued and still can't get enough of it! Well...as long as it has food on the tray :-)

I'm a fan...now bring on the Cheerios and banana!

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Oh how the Roebuck's...

...love the holidays! In UN-Roebuck fashion, we were quite on top of things this year. The Christmas tree and decorations were up by December 1st AND Kris actually decided to put lights on the house! To no avail, I have asked him to put them up the last two years. He would claim that I was trying to collect on his life insurance and that there was no way he would get up on that ladder! I guess the holiday spirit rubbed off on him. He made his way up to the hardware store and loaded up on all the goods (I had to put my foot down when it came to the blow up Santa). I must say, it is quite impressive! He was even semi-ok with our annual trip to Garden Ridge to pick out our 2009 ornaments. With all the holiday spirit flowing through our house, I tried to snap some pictures of Elly in front of the tree. Now that she has discovered her new freedom from crawling, it is even more difficult to get a good shot!

"Hey Dad! I know you keep telling me to look at the camera, but I can't take my eyes off YOU!"

Thinking about it...

Yep...I'm outta here!

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Play with me Zoe!

Last week, the Roebuck household had a little visitor. No exaggeration on the "little" part...We were doggy sitting for sweet little, 3 lb. Zoe! Otherwise known as Sampson's girlfriend :) I was trying to get a video of Elly crawling and caught this instead...Zoe didn't know WHAT to think!