What a crazy, fun filled, exhausting 24 hours! We woke up Christmas Eve morning to snow falling from the sky! Seeing that it was in the 70's the day before, this was quite exciting and unexpected. Never in my wildest dreams did I think it would actually stick to the ground, and never EVER did I think it would cause quite the havoc that it did! We made out way out to Granbury, only to find that our usual 45 minute drive would take us 3 hours! It was madness out there on those icy Texas roads. Once we were safe and sound at the Berry household, we were able to take in the winter wonderland...and a much needed stiff drink! This was the first white Christmas Texas had seen since 1975. It was gorgeous!
We woke up Christmas morning to find that we all had been good boys and girls...Santa made a stop and left some goodies :) After our annual Christmas breakfast, we loaded up, said our goodbyes, and made our way south to good old Waco. Memmie was quite thrilled to see little Elly and loaded her up with MORE goodies! Can I re-do my Christmas letter?
Dear Santa,
We would REALLY like for you to bring us an extra 1,000 sq. ft for our house. We have been
a good mommy, daddy and baby girl.
The Roebucks
Christmas Eve with Nana

"Mommy! Look what Santa left me...my very own chair!"

Elly was more interested in the ribbon than she was with the gifts!

Sweet family :)
What a wonderful Christmas it was!
I love the picture of Elly in her new chair! She looks so proud.
Tell your Mom I LOVE her tree!! That chair is fit for a princess. You all had such a good Christmas. Love You All!
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