Well...little Elly wasn't the only one who enjoyed Christmas this year! Her daddy, aka Elmer Fudd, has been having quite a bit of post Christmas fun as well. He has been hinting around about wanting a BB/Pellet gun for quite some time now.I've always given him the famous line, "You'll shoot your eye out!" Now that we are a handgun owning, shotgun shooting household...I figure a BB gun is the least of my worries. So needless to say, Santa brought one to Kris this year. I was able to snap a few pictures of him in the backyard the other day. He came running in the house, "Where's my gun, where's my gun??!! We've got a squirrel!" Not to worry all you animal lovers out there, the BB bounced right off of it's furry little body :) I guess that's what you get when you buy the cheapest one out there!
Also on Kris's wish list was a remote control helicopter he just HAD to have. He missed out on it at the family gift exchange (thanks to his own mother-in-law who stole it!), so Mrs. Clause stuck that under the tree as well. At about 10pm the other night, I'm lying in bed and all of a sudden I hear a strange sound coming from the living room...Bzzzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzz. What to my wondering ears would appear? A remote control helicopter of course! Buzzing all through the house. Seems as though I have brought out Kris's inner child :)
Please excuse the mess that we call a garage. Kris is the process of cleaning it out!

Elmer Fudd trying to shoot dinner.

Maybe Kris should put some of this focus towards the garage project...

Watch out! He's coming for you!

HAHAHaha!!! You funny lady!!! the Helicopter would have freaked me out at night. ;) You guys are so cute!!!
Be safe and well sweets!!!
Hey Elmer looked like he might bite if he doesn't get dinner!!! What "form" he has holding that gun!! Are you sure the squirrel got away? Looked like he has control of the helicopter for the moment. What if a squirrel shows up while flying the helicopter?
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