Our sweet girl is 9 months old! Where, oh where, has the time gone? She is becoming more
independent with each day and is starting to really show that personality of hers (which I do believe she gets from her Daddy)! I was always a very reserved kiddo who didn't want to stray too far from Mom. Well...not this kid! Like her father, she has never met a stranger and hams it up when someone glances in her direction. She is crawling all over the place and loves to "walk" when someone holds her hands. She loves the new view and will giggle and laugh while you help her on the move. We have also graduated to some finger foods. She loves to feed herself bananas, pears, cheerios and the newest of the foods, cheese! 3 short months and we will have one year under our belts...I have already started the party planning ;) I'm thinking invitations made by our favorite Heather
Essian with a big ole' picture of the
birthday girl! Daddy's on a need to know basis of course :)
Mommy's little lady

9 month stats: 20 lbs. 1 oz. (55th percentile) 29 1/4 in long (95th percentile!)
Maybe a tutu for the b-day photo??
Nana will get busy!
I think so! Pink of course :)
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