Here in Texas, if you don't like the weather...wait 5 minutes! Earlier in the week, the
meteorologists were predicting around an inch of snow for today. Well, it started snowing at about 2 a.m. and hasn't stopped since! We have about 5 inches on our back patio chairs and they say it isn't going to stop until around midnight! I was able to make it out to see a few patients and get to the dentist (this fabulous grill doesn't maintain itself) but made it home quickly to get Ellyson out to experience this February wonderland :) She wasn't too sure what to think. I sat her on the blanket to snap a few pictures. I don't think I have seen her that still in months! She just sat there...
staring. I even made a mini snowball and held it up to her to touch. She just looked at it as though she were thinking "Nope, that's good right there. I'll just give it a once over with my eyes." We will love it while it lasts, seeing that it will probably be 70 degrees this weekend!
Shout out to Dr. McConnell...God those are some B-E-A-
UTIFUL teeth! Are they not?

Trying to catch a flake or two on her tongue. Won't touch the white stuff, but by golly she'll put it in her mouth!

Mommy's little
snow bunny! We can't wait to get her on the slopes!
Thanks Dr Dyer! I can see Elly speeding down the mountain just like her mommy!
I LOVE that she was trying to catch the snowflakes on her tongue! Our "little baby" Dakota likes to do that, too!
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