Thursday, April 29, 2010

Future Drummer?

Elly is quite the busy little bee these days! She manages to find her way into EVERYTHING! She is mildly obsessed with the cabinets at the point in time. Opens it, pulls everything out, gets bored and moves on to the next. I bought all the cabinet locks the other day...they are safely in their box, stored safely in my junk drawer :)

"hmmm...mixing bowls and a HUGE spoon. What to do?"

"First things first, I must taste it!"

SO serious!

"They make noise! I may do this for hours!"

Sing it Elly!

2 minutes later...on to the next cabinet. ADD maybe? Nah, just a typical toddler :)

Pasta spoon? In the mouth...

Tongs? In the mouth...

Big ole' skillet? If it would fit, I'm sure it would be in the mouth!

*Beware* If you come over for dinner, my cooking utensils have probably been slightly slobbered on. I do clean them after play time, but I'm sure some find their way back in the cabinet!


Anonymous said...

Too cute!!! She's definitely an awesome rocker chick!! :)


Kate and Geoff said...

She is sooo cute! I can't wait to see her this weekend!!! They are at such a fun age right now!!!

DJ said...

Here in Anchorage - what a treat to see lots of new pics! So cute...