The Roebuck household has been LOVING this Texas spring weather! We spend every evening on the patio. Elly's blanket and toys spread out, glass of wine in hand (mommy's hand that is!), just soaking up the sun. Within the last week, Elly has discovered climbing! She loves to climb up in the patio chairs, stand up, look around with the accomplishment of one who had just conquered Mt. Everest, climb back down...repeat...repeat...repeat. I decided to snap a few pics this
evening :) It makes me quite nervous since she is still a little wobbly. It went something like this...
Me: 'snap, snap snap (of the camera)' "Oh my God!" (Kris drinking his wine, playing with phone)
Me: 'snap, snap' "
Ahhhh watch her please!" 'snap, snap'
Me: "She's gonna fall!!!!" 'snap, snap, snap, snap'

Wait for it...wait for it...
The return of stink face! We haven't seen this one in about 6 months! She decided tonight that she wanted to bring it out of retirement :)
Lovin' the silly face tonight! She was on a roll :)
Have I mentioned your camera takes amazing pictures??? It helps that you have such perfect subject....but still...
I L*O*V*E my new camera!!!
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