The day Kris has been anticipating finally arrived! Daddy and daughter's first golf
tournament! We decided to brave the heat and head out to Colonial Country Club for the annual tournament. Kris got star struck by seeing Steve
Stricker tee off, while I got dirty looks from golf fans. Their eyes said it all..."
Soooo, you're one of THOSE people who bring a chatty toddler to a golf tournament." Oh well...My eyes said a little something of their own "Get over it snobs!"
On the bus headed to the grounds.

*Fast camera's allowed on the grounds and I didn't want to risk mine being confiscated!
On the way back to the car. Daddy and daughter pooped! Elly sporting her Susan G
Komen bracelet...In her mouth of course!

"I love my daddy!"

"Elly, this is where all the rich people live. Become friends with their kids."

Weeeeee!!!!! No

"Mom...Dad...Can we move over to this side of the tracks?"
You are so funny Hayley!!! I miss you lady!!! Glad that you brought baby out there. It would have been awesome if you yelled or coughed at just the right moment! :)
Hope you are well!!!
Miss you too Christie! Elly was on the verge of doing it a couple times!
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