Saturday, May 15, 2010

Better Day Please!

This what our day consisted of yesterday...

"Pick me up...No, put me down...No, pick me up!"

Poor baby has had a rough week! We started our week out with yet ANOTHER ear infection. Fast forward to Wednesday...a call from the babysitter that Elly had a 102.7 fever, sent us back to the Doc where they said she had a viral infection. And to top it off, I discovered a molar who decided to make it's appearance! No wonder she's a mess! After almost 4 hours of straight crying last night, we decided to try to lay her 5 o'clock (she usually goes down atound 7!)! She fused for about a minute and was OUT! She slept straight through to 7:30 this morning. So as you read this, say a prayer that our day goes a little better today!


DJ said...

If only her Nana had been there!

Anonymous said...

Poor baby!!! Many prayer's have been sent and will continue!!!
Love ya lady!

caroline said...

poor girl, I just want to cry with her!