Does that even make sense? After a tough last couple of days, the title is
completely appropriate! Being a typical woman, I spent the day stirring over a simple conversation that Kris and I had last night. In
SOOOO not Hayley fashion, I brought it up in a calm collected manner this evening on the patio. I usually prefer to be distant and (admittedly) a little snotty, until Kris drags it out of me! Low and behold...the matter was solved!
Hmmm...I may be on to something here ;) I spent the rest of the evening taking in my little family...who might I add is
SOOOO the ad campaign for imperfect perfection!
Man made rain storm! Have I mentioned how much Cutie L.O.V.E.S the hose and water?

Naked, sagging diaper, bug bite on the back...she wouldn't have it any other way! A year ago I would have NEVER let MY child run around this way ;)
Literally, sucking the water out of her shirt! I swear she is given water and milk throughout the day! She LOVES doing this!
"Hmmm honeysuckle...Sounds delish!"
Remnants of the half eaten flower, snotty nose, half naked...picture of MY imperfect perfection. Which, might I add, I wouldn't have any other way :)
this just may be my favorite post of all times! ;-)
I like impertfect perfection!!! It's the best!!! :) Little cutie is becoming a water rat. Not to worry my sister and I were also this way!! Hope you are well lady!!!
Guess what I finally finished your little ones gift. It's only about a year and a half late, but made with lots of love. :) Do you want me to bring it by? We are being audited at present so if you want to come up it might be better to try next week. :)
I see that DJ posted my sentiments exactly!!!!
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