The arrival of my favorite season, comes hand in hand with frequent trips to one of my favorite places...Calloways Nursery! Sure I can get my flowers cheaper somewhere else, but it's more about the experience than it is about saving a buck. The atmosphere alone can transform a rotten day into a fabulous one! There's just something about it...I love it :)
I decided that my first Calloways trip of the season (which just so happened to be Earth Day!)would be a good trial run for my first time out alone with both of the girls. After finally getting out of the house (I don't know if I will ever be on time again) we arrived at the nursery. I wore Emma in the Baby Bjorn and had Elly "help" with the cart and picking the flowers. It couldn't have gone any better! They both did a great job and we made our way home with a car full of flowers :)
We decided to enlist a little help for all the flowers that needed planting. William and Patrick stopped by to help a girl out!

Go Elly go! Dig in!

William getting his hands dirty! Patrick, in the back, was a little more interested in working on his golf game...

Emma decided to catch up on her beauty sleep!

The finished product...finished off by mommy and Christen :) The three amigos lost interest quickly on our Earth Day project.

All that hard work deserves a sweet treat! Patrick was off working on his swing :)