For the most part, I think that Kris and I are doing pretty good on our countdown to baby. We had a 20% coupon to Babies R Us so we went ahead and bought our crib a week ago. Well...that is just not good enough! We have some friends that live down the street from us. She is about 4 weeks ahead of me. They found out last Wednesday they were having a girl and by the end of the weekend the nursery was completely finished!! I'm talking chair rail put up, two toned pink paint and border, dresser and crib set up with all the bedding! So...seeing that we find out in 10 days, I decided to make a trip to the fabric and paint store yesterday. Since my mom will be making all my bedding (and I'm hoping curtain panels:) What do you think mom?) I really need to get a jump start! The lady at Cutting Corners was trying to be helpful and pointing me in the direction of the ones SHE liked, which were all brown tones. I told her that we already had a black crib so I wanted to stay away from brown. Her response you ask? "WHHHAAATTTT?! A BLLLLAAAACK CRIB?!! I have NEEEEVER heard of a black crib!!" I guess it was inconceivable that someone would purchase a BLLLAAACK piece of furniture! I found a few swatches that I liked (only one, far right, for a little girl :) )
The one on the left is green not brown

Let me know what you think. Are the boy ones too girly?
Hi Haley!! It's Traci. I love the black crib idea...if I had not got an amazing offer from one of my best girlfriends for a room full of furniture we might of purchased black as well!! Good choice!! Can't wait to meet you when you come to Caroline's!!
I spelled your name wrong!!! So sorry...Hayley :)
Love the fabrics and the BLLLAAACK Crib!! Can hardly wait to start painting and sewing!!
p.s. I think you have hour dad's gift - I see Christmas letters in your future!
Ok, I like the swatches in the first picture, although it's really hard to get a good idea of the colors because it looks REALLY brown. The pink/black is beautiful and will look awesome with the BLLLAAACCCCKKKK crib.
The second picture...the material looks like living room curtain and/or couch material to me. Don't take offense to that, though...I don't think I'm getting the full effect on my computer screen! Is it shiny material? I don't know, I couldn't tell.
First, you are the funniest person I know! Second, tell that b*%c# at the store to mind her own business...I think a black crib is adorable! I love all the swatches-you can't go wrong with any of them! They are all precious. :) LOVE YOU!
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