For a few weeks now, Elly has been trying to figure out the whole "up on your hands and knees" thing. She would push up on her hands, fall back down, then pull those little knees up under her. She couldn't quite figure out how to do both at the same time. The other day it was like a light bulb went off! She got it! Well...kind of. She isn't able to get all the way up on her hands, but she can get up on her forearms and knees at the same time. It was as though she couldn't believe what she had been missing out on! She would push up and rock, rock, rock, back and forth. I got some pictures (of course) and a little video. I always feel so goofy when I go back and watch the videos. I sound like such a dork. You can pretty much count on a high pitched "say
Hiiiii" and "say bye, bye! Bye, bye". Viewer beware...this video is no different!
Here I go!

gettin' this mom?

Oh the determination...

Weeeee...this is so much fun! (Have you ever seen such a cute plumbers crack? I think not!)
So cute!!! Wow, she's getting big so fast Hayley! Tell her to slow down!!
That means she's getting ready to take off!!! WooHooo!!! Then you get to chase her...more fun!!!
TOo cUTE!!
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