Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Elly is...

12 pounds 3 oz. and 23 in. long! Our Dr. appointment went well, other than the obvious. She was NOT a happy camper when that mean old nurse gave her 4 shots! I must say...I was not pleased when she made ME hold down my baby girl while she gave her the shots! Don't they have another nurse that can step in to do that? Anyways...Dr. Shaw said that she looks great (like I didn't already know that :) ) and that, overall, she is in the 75th-80th percentile. That explains why she is already able to wear 3-6 mo. clothes!

Even after 4 shots I've got a happy baby!


Anonymous said...

She is just so Happy,Happy,Happy!!

caroline said...

Chubby bubby!

Megan said...

Wow, Allie is only 14lbs at almost 6 months old (but she's kind of a peanut). Sounds like Elly is doing fantastic! I love the smile on her face in that picture too.

Kate and Geoff said...

Sweet girl! We need to get together again soon! At Michael's 6 months check up on Tuesday, he weighed 20.14 pounds (96th percentile) and 27 1/4 inches (75th percentile)!!!