Filling up the pool...cutie takes this job VERY serious!
Put down the hose and jump on in!

Wait a minute...What happened to the water???
Her new favorite...standing up and falling on her booty to make a B*I*G splash :)

She would fall, laugh and start clapping :)
Her new favorite word...Ewwwwwww! When she sees something that is a little odd, she'll scrunch her face, point at it say "Ewwwww" until you pick it up. Lately we've had a little problem with Cutie going poopie in the tub (definitely EWWWWW!). It TERRIFIES her! She'll start freaking out with "Ewwww" galore until Daddy cleans it up! Yes, Daddy. That's his job :)
What's that I see? Bird poop! Her best "Ewwwww" face :)

We've been working on a "cheeeese" face as well. I actually use the cheese face when we brush teeth! "Elly, say CHEEESE!" She'll smile and imitate "Teeeees"
I can't believe our girl is 16 months! She has quite a personality and shows it! She had a full on conversation with a plumber across the street the other day. Literally, we were on our sidewalk and he was fixing some pipes on the house across the street. She stood in our driveway jabbering away, waving her hands in the air for a good 5 minutes. He was a good sport and humored her by returning the conversation. She knows a few signs that she uses regularly now. She can tell you; more, please, cookie and all done. Her vocab is also growing by the day! She has quite a few words that she uses regularly; mommy, daddy, shoe, go, bubbles, doggie, are the main ones. I've been working on 'more' and 'please' but she doesn't want much to do with them. She imitated tweezers (more like teesahs!) this morning but won't say 'please' or 'more'! Have I mentioned that the girl does WHAT she wants WHEN she wants! Kris says she gets her hard head from me. I beg to differ!
1 comment:
Pool at Nana's tomorrow!!!
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