The Roebuck's have taken full advantage of the last few overcast days. We hadn't been on the bikes lately, nor had we taken Elly to park. So, what did we do? Loaded Cutie up in the bike trailer and made our way down to Tillery! The clouds have been a nice change from the blazing sun, but our trip didn't last long due to humidity that you could have sliced with a knife! The heat didn't seem to phase Elly. She was off! With her cell of course ;) The girl didn't put the thing down the ENTIRE time we spent at the park. Not to mention the entire way to and from! On the way home we heard a frantic scream...translated baby speak, "STOOOOOP!!!! I've dropped my PHOOOOONE!!!" Sure enough, she had dropped it onto the floor of the bike trailer. She is so stinkin' funny when it comes to that phone. She'll carry it around, stop mid stride, put it up to her ear and have a full on conversation. She has even started imitating us by holding it, hand less, between her shoulder and ear. Too funny :)
"See ya! I've got things to do and people to talk to!"
She would fall, get back up and check to make sure her phone was in good shape :)
"Hold on dad, I've got a text coming in..."

The tongue swings creeps me out a little bit. Elly sure liked it. Not that you can tell by her lack of enthusiasm! She was SO busy that she didn't crack many smiles today.
It wouldn't be a trip to the park without daddy having some fun too!
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