Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Put down the camera mom!!
It took me 27 years but I now understand my mother...when it comes to pictures that is :) I remember every year around Thanksgiving, my brother and I would have to grin and bear it while my mom took about 1,000 pictures of us for the yearly Christmas card. We would moan and complain which would just prolong the "session" since we would have expressions on our faces as though we were being sent to some kind of prison camp. I now understand the quest for the perfect picture! I guess it is something that comes with motherhood. We had a little session of our own this morning. My goal...to have every square inch of our house adorned with a framed Elly :)

Friday, April 24, 2009
Sweat, tears and (almost) blood!
After four long months it's finally finished!! Leanna, my dear friend and supervisor at work, has been working tirelessly on finishing this afghan for sweet Elly. She will be the first to tell you that she may have bit off more than she could chew with this project :) Kudos to you for actually finishing it! It is absolutely beautiful and will be a keepsake that Elly will have forever. Thanks again Leanna, we love you!!
Leanna, Elly (just a couple weeks old!) and me
Really...another flower bigger than my head?!
So much detail!!
Leanna, Elly (just a couple weeks old!) and me
Mommy in training!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Main St. Arts Fest
The Main St. Arts Festival is one of the things Kris and I love about Fort Worth. We look forward to it every year. For Kris, it is more about the food than it is about the art! For me, it is more about having a good time with great friends! This year we met up with Colin, Jen and their little Abby and Jason, Jennifer and their little Evan. We quickly found out that the art festival is not really stroller friendly. We spent the majority of the afternoon hanging out and listening to some live music. The best part of the day...enjoying my first margarita in about a year!!! Boy was it good!!! We ended the day with the Patrick's and Cashen's heading to our house for some burgers. It was the perfect end to a great Saturday. We look forward to doing it next year!
Elly slept through most of the art!

Jen and I

The whole gang...minus Elly. I wasn't about to wake her up for a group shot!
Elly slept through most of the art!
Jen and I
The whole gang...minus Elly. I wasn't about to wake her up for a group shot!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Children's/Cowgirl museum YEEHAW!!
Last Saturday I had a semi frantic phone conversation with my mother that went something like this... ME: "Hey, what are you doing?" MOM: "Watching the twins...all day...at their house" Me: "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!" MOM: "Yes! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!"
Well...it wasn't quite that frantic but it makes for more interesting blogging ;) I must say, having the both of them together in a confined area does not make for a butterflies and roses kind of day. We decided it would be in every one's best interest to get them out of the house for a while. Seeing that it was rainy, our options were limited so we decided to hit up the local children's museum. It's one of my favorite places to take them and they LOVE it. We all had a great day together and avoided any major meltdowns. Even when it was time to go!

Well...it wasn't quite that frantic but it makes for more interesting blogging ;) I must say, having the both of them together in a confined area does not make for a butterflies and roses kind of day. We decided it would be in every one's best interest to get them out of the house for a while. Seeing that it was rainy, our options were limited so we decided to hit up the local children's museum. It's one of my favorite places to take them and they LOVE it. We all had a great day together and avoided any major meltdowns. Even when it was time to go!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Happy one month birthday baby girl!!!
Obviously I'm a little behind on my blogging! It seems that my phone is not the only thing I have trouble keeping track of. I misplaced my camera the other day and just found it! I couldn't make a "happy birthday baby" blog without a picture of the birthday girl could I?! We went to the Dr. on the 16th for Elly's one month check-up. She now weighs...drum roll please...10lbs. 13 oz. and is 22 inches long!! No wonder none of her footed jammies fit anymore :) I've really started to notice some changes in her. My favorites...big ole gummy smiles and sweet little coo's as she discovers her voice. Makes my heart melt :)
"Check out these muscles!"
"Check out these muscles!"
Monday, April 20, 2009
Elly's first crawfish boil!
We have come to appreciate the spring event of the Greenwald crawfish boil. I'm not a big fan of getting my hands all nasty or doing a lot of work for little reward, so needless to say, I'm not a big fan of eating crawfish. Kris, being allergic to shellfish, is not a big fan of swelling up and needing an epipen (sp?). Moral of the story is that the Roebucks attend the annual crawfish boil for social reasons. Last year Kris ended the night puking in the Greenwalds backyard following his keg stand. How old is he you ask...28 going on 18! We sure miss our dear friends Brent and Kelly. The event wasn't quite the same not being at their house but we sure did have a good time. Elly was a perfect angel at her very first crawfish boil! Greenwald's down...Hatch's to go! (I hope Elly will be as cooperative at the Hatch boil...We'll see :) )
I don't think Elly had any problems with being held by Kelly :)
I don't think Elly had any problems with being held by Kelly :)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Headbands, bows and flowers oh my!
Seeing that sweet Ellyson has little to no hair, we must improvise! Even dressed in all pink people ask the infamous question, "Is it a boy or a girl?". I have yet to get that question when she has a giant bow or flower plastered to her sweet, perfectly round head :) After a trip to a baby boutique and paying $20 for a headband with a fake flower glued to it (Don't tell my husband), I figured there had to be a better, more cost efficient way! Well...my friends...I have found it! I stumbled upon a great blog from Sandy, Utah (how ironic that I lived there for 8 years!). If you are in need of some super cute head accessories for your little one check it out! http://itsybitsybabybowtique.blogspot.com/
Put down the spray paint and walk away!!!
Well...She's at it again my friends!!! I have this obsession with taking old things, spray painting them, and making them like new! My dear friend Jen got me hooked when she spray painted a dresser in their guestroom and it looked like new. After three (almost four...my little baby is growing up...tear :( )weeks of middle of the night feedings, I realized that I needed some kind of little table next to the rocker in Elly's room. I just so happened to have a little unfinished pine table that I have had since my childhood days in Utah. Talk about getting the most out of a piece of furniture! One can of $5.00 spray paint and voila!! A precious pink table that is super handy!! I may even take it to the next level and pick up some cute knobs at Hobby Lobby (diva it up a little:) )

I just can't make a post without a current picture of my little girl! Don't you want to kiss those chubby little cheeks??

Don't worry Christie, I swear she can turn her head the other way! That will be my next post...a picture of her head turned :)
I just can't make a post without a current picture of my little girl! Don't you want to kiss those chubby little cheeks??

Don't worry Christie, I swear she can turn her head the other way! That will be my next post...a picture of her head turned :)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Is my husband home yet???
I would like to say how sorry I am for any mother whose child does not enjoy being hauled around in a Baby Bjorn! When I feel there is no hope left and I am on the verge of insanity, I simply stick Elly in her little backpack and it's like magic! Sometimes it puts her to sleep and other times she just looks around as though she wasn't just having a complete breakdown. I must give her a little credit...those moments are few and far between but when they arrive, I give a shout out to the masterminds behind the Baby Bjorn. (Can you tell we've had a rough day?!)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
**By the way...I found my phone. Thank goodness my mom called it because I would NEVER have found it. It had fallen in the couch. Not just under the cushions but literally INTO the couch. I had to tip it on it's back in order to get the phone to fall back through the hole that it fell into. It was about 5 minutes from shutting off due to no battery. It would have been lost forever. Thanks mom :)
chunky monkey
The morning started off a little rough. Elly had her two week checkup this morning. It was our first visit with this Dr. and at this office. While trying to get out the door, I realized that I didn't have my phone and I couldn't find it anywhere. I have come to realize that a day starting with a lost phone = a bad day! We had to get out the door so I leave minus one phone. We get on the road with just enough time to get to the Dr. I knew approximately where the office was and had the address, 1108 Henderson. Literally down the street from the house. I drive down "Henderson" back and forth between the 1100 and 1200 block. No Dr. office in sight! I probably drove back and forth about 10 times. By now I'm running late and of course I can't call to tell them I'm lost because I don't have my stupid phone. I finally got out, baby in tow, went up to an office building and asked a woman if she knew where FW pediatrics was. I said that the address was 1108 Henderson and I couldn't seem to find it. Well...the reason I couldn't find it was because I was driving up and down Hemphill!!! As I said earlier, this is literally down the street and I drive Hemphill everyday to work. If only I was still pregnant I would blame it on "preggo brain". So I head down the road to the actual Henderson and find the office. I end up turning in the "do not enter" side of the parking lot and while trying to turn around I back into a telephone pole! All before 10:30...not a good sign for the rest of the day. We finally made it in with no other complications!
This office was recommended by a good friend with the warning that the office is a throw back to the 70's. Boy was it! All in all the visit went well and I really liked Dr. Shaw. She was quite impressed with my little chunky monkey who weighed in at 8 lbs. 13 oz.(she was 7lbs 9oz at birth)!!! She said that was great for a breastfed baby. I guess that means I'm doing something right :) We'll see what happens in two weeks at her 1 month checkup!
This office was recommended by a good friend with the warning that the office is a throw back to the 70's. Boy was it! All in all the visit went well and I really liked Dr. Shaw. She was quite impressed with my little chunky monkey who weighed in at 8 lbs. 13 oz.(she was 7lbs 9oz at birth)!!! She said that was great for a breastfed baby. I guess that means I'm doing something right :) We'll see what happens in two weeks at her 1 month checkup!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Pretty in pink
Just one of the many fabulous outfits from grandma! I wish I had half of the wardrobe this little girl has!

Tomorrow is a big day for mommy and baby! Elly has her 2 week appointment and mommy has her much needed hair appointment (We have to be ready for our photo's with Heather next Tuesday!). I'm super excited to see how big our baby girl is getting. We are on to pediatrician number two...so lets hope that everything goes well and we like Dr. Shaw!
Tomorrow is a big day for mommy and baby! Elly has her 2 week appointment and mommy has her much needed hair appointment (We have to be ready for our photo's with Heather next Tuesday!). I'm super excited to see how big our baby girl is getting. We are on to pediatrician number two...so lets hope that everything goes well and we like Dr. Shaw!
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