Elly had her very first lunch/play date!! We met up with our good friends, the Self's and the Lewis's at the play area inside the mall. Obviously, Elly and Annalee (3ish months) didn't do much playing but they sure enjoyed watching the big kids, James and Jenna, run around! So...what does a precious girl wear for her first play date you ask??? An outfit meant only for a precious girl! Our dear friend Megan got Elly the cutest Baby Nay outfit at one of her baby showers. It has been hanging in her closet and I have been waiting for the day that she would fit into it! Well my friends...today was the day! It finally fits! Check out the pics before we got on our way. I'm a bad mommy and forgot to get pictures while we were there. Oh well...maybe I will remember on her 2nd play date :)

I've got a plan and you don't know what it is!

I'm whipped! Watching kids play sure does take it out of you!
1 comment:
Those children wore her out!!
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