Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ready, Set, ROLLLLL !!!!

Today marked a very momentous day in the Elly Roebuck household (she does run the house)! Elly was enjoying her play-mat while I was putting away her clean clothes. I turned around to find the following...

Elly on her side (in a very cute outfit might I add :) )!!!

So what does a good mother do?? Leave her all alone while you root around for the camera! Thank goodness I found it and was able to capture Elly's first roll!!

Almost there.....

PUUUUSH, GRUUUUNT (check out her face!!)


Doing a little post roll dance :)

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caroline said...

what a stinker...she's so cute! (and smart, I might add!)

Anonymous said...

Yea!! She is so advanced!