Kris and I decided it was time to pull out the Sassy Seat Jumper and let Miss Elly have a go at it! She loves standing and kicking those chunky little legs, so we thought she might enjoy the oldie but goodie toy (how long have these things been around?!). We about lost her when we stuck her in it, but she actually enjoyed herself and kinda got the hang of it. How convenient that the seat came right to her mouth...she could have cared less that she had no arms, just as long as her mouth was free to suck away!

Mmmm...almost as good as my dinner
I just HAD to stick in a picture of Elly in this dress I have been eyeing! I broke down and made the purchase. The picture doesn't do it justice! So cute!

I almost bought a nearly identical dress for her! Too funny. I guess I'll stop eyeing now....
You're funny :)
Adorable of course! You must bring me some avacado bread - maybe this weekend?
We have the same jumper- ours came with toys that attach to it...Michael loves it! Unfortunately he has almost reached the weight limit on it- he will stay in it for 30- 45 mins!!! I hang it in the bathroom when I am trying to get ready in the morning- such a great invention:)
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