Well...as I enter month 5 of my pregnancy, I have decided I need to take action NOW! I n an attempt to stay as in shape as possible, I have began prenatal yoga classes. I went to my second class last night and really enjoy it. It is not as "physical" as I thought it would be but then again, how physical can an 8 month pregnant woman really be? I thought I would at least leave a little bit sweaty, but no. Hey...maybe that means I am already in fantastic shape ;) It's more about the
stretching and easing of all those pains. I know I will appreciate it more once I look like I have devoured a basketball. I do have a small problem with my new found interest. It is every Thursday at 6:15 pm. Why is that a problem you ask?? Well, now that I am at week 16 I'm feeling great. Why is THAT a problem you ask?? Well, I feel great for the most part. When I wake up in the morning I feel like I could accomplish anything. Much to Sampson's dismay, the saltine crackers no longer share the bed with us, they have been retired back to the pantry. The plastic Target bag that made it's home in my purse, reserved for those moments when you walk past the raw meat section of the grocery store and you think you may lose your lunch, has also been retired, back under the sink. Problem: By about 5pm everyday my stomach has somehow morphed into it's own floatation device. Or as I like to call it "
bloatation device". It looks like baby has grown triple in size in a matter of 8 hours. As yoga time draws near I begin to stress a little about all those movements, twisting, turning and my greatest enemy...the squat. I have yet to have a "problem" but worry about what is to come. My hope is that if there were to be a "disturbance" in class, the eight other
preggo's would give me a shout out..."been there
Until next time,